Create a Power BI Push DataSet using Power BI Desktop w/ PowerBIPS.Tools

I have already covered how to create an API Enabled (Push DataSet) Power BI Dataset here and here.

The datasets are created using our open-source powershell module PowerBIPS and you need to write some code like the following:

$dataSetSchema = @{name = $datasetName
; tables = @(
    @{name = "Counters"
	; columns = @( 
		    @{ name = "ComputerName"; dataType = "String"; isHidden = "true"  }
		    , @{ name = "TimeStamp"; dataType = "DateTime"  }	
			, @{ name = "CounterSet"; dataType = "String"  }
		    , @{ name = "CounterName"; dataType = "String"  }
		    , @{ name = "CounterValue"; dataType = "Double"  }
	@{name = "Computers"
	; columns = @( 
		    @{ name = "ComputerName"; dataType = "String"  }
		    , @{ name = "Domain"; dataType = "string"  }	
			, @{ name = "Manufacturer"; dataType = "string"  }		        		        			
    ;measures = @(
        @{name="Average CPU"; expression="CALCULATE(AVERAGE('Counters'[CounterValue]) / 100, FILTER('Counters', 'Counters'[CounterSet] = ""Processor(_Total)"" && 'Counters'[CounterName] = ""% Processor Time""))"; formatString="0.00%"}
; relationships = @(
        name = [guid]::NewGuid().ToString()
        ; fromTable = "Computers"
        ; fromColumn = "ComputerName"
        ; toTable = "Counters"
        ; toColumn = "ComputerName"
        ; crossFilteringBehavior = "oneDirection"      


$dataSetSchema = New-PBIDataSet -authToken $authToken -dataSet $dataSetSchema -Verbose	

It’s very straightfoward, but if you need to create complex measures and relationships it’s easy to commit some mistakes if you dont have the help of Power BI Desktop.

To make this task easier we added a new cmdlet to our PowerBIPS.Tools module: Get-PBIDataSetFromPBIDesktop

You just need to create a Power BI model as usual, use “Enter Data” option to create your tables (w/ sample data) and then create the relationships, measures, custom columns, write your DAX w/ intellisense:




And in the end use the Power BI Desktop model to create a Power BI Push DataSet like this:

# Get a PBIDataSet schema from PBIDesktop
Get-PBIDataSetFromPBIDesktop -pbiDesktopWindowName "*WindowName*" -datasetName "PushDataSet"

# Create the REST API dataset on
New-PBIDataSet -dataSet $dataSet -groupId "workspace id"

Let me know your opinion!